18th international scientific conference of young scientists

Обновено: Monday, 09 October 2023 13:01




1. Manuscripts must not have been published in other publications.


2. Authors must submit a COPYRIGHT AGREEMENT (according to the template). The copyright agreement certifies that the manuscript has not been published in other publications. The copyright agreement, signed by the author and scanned, should be sent to the conference email [email protected], together with the REGISTRATION FORM (according to the template).


3. In case of co-authorship – each author must fill in and attach a CO-AUTHORSHIP AGREEMENT (according to the template), in which the participation of each author in the paper should be indicated. The co-authorship agreement, signed by each co-author and scanned, should be sent to the conference email [email protected], together with the REGISTRATION FORM (according to the template).


4. Papers are sent by the deadline specified in the conference email: [email protected].


5. Accepted papers, formatted according to the requirements – after peer blind review by habilitated scientists, will be published in Conference Proceedings in electronic format with an ISBN number. The Conference Proceedings will be included in the National Reference List of contemporary Bulgarian scientific publications with scientific review, maintained by the Ministry of Education and Science through the National Center for Information and Documentation.


6. In order for indexing the Conference Proceedings in the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), each author should complete a CEEOL DECLARATION (according to the template) on paper and submit it signed to the Publishing complex – UNWE.


7. Each participant with a submitted conference paper will receive in electronic form the Conference Proceedings.


8. The best papers from the conference will be submitted for publication in the scientific editions of the UNWE - "Economic and Social Alternatives" (in Bulgarian) (http://www.unwe.bg/alternativi) and „Economic Alternatives“ (in English) (http://www.unwe.bg/eajournal/en).


9. The time for presentation and discussion of one paper during the conference is 10 minutes.


10. Presentation of the conference paper – with a Power Point presentation.


11. The author(s) present their paper in person at the conference.





1. The maximum pages of the paper are 8 pages, incl. figures, tables and bibliography.


2. Papers can be written and presented in the working languages of the conference – Bulgarian, English or Russian.


3. Papers will be published in the language in which they are submitted.


4. The first page of the paper should contain the following information:

Title of the paper

Name and surname of the author(s). The scientific degree and academic position of the author(s), organization, correspondence address and e-mail address should be given as a footnote.

Abstract (maximum of 300 words).

Keywords (maximum of 5 words).

JEL classification (at least one classification code).


5. Avoid abbreviations, diagrams (schemas) and references to the text in the abstract.


6. On the first page, the title of the paper, the name and surname of the author(s), scientific degree, academic position, organization, as well as the abstract and keywords for the Bulgarian participants must be written in Bulgarian and in English. For foreign participants – they must be written only in the relevant foreign language.


7. Papers are prepared in Word 2000 version or higher in A4 format (about 40 lines per page).


8. Recommended structure of the conference papers:


Discussion of relevant literature


Data and sources

Results from the study




9. Papers prepared in Bulgarian or Russian must contain one Abstract in the working language – up to 300 words, and one Abstract in English – up to 300 words.


10. Papers prepared in English must contain only one Abstract in English – up to 300 words.


11. JEL classification can be found at the following link: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel.


12. Formatting requirements for the papers:

Layout margins: Normal.

Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal.

Paragraph: 1,5.

Title: Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, centered.

Name and surname of the author(s) (placed after one blank line after the title): font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, centered.

Abstract (placed after one blank line after the name and surname of the author(s)): font Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, justified.

Keywords (placed after one blank line after the abstract): font Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, justified.

Headings: font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, centered.


Formulas should be centered and numbered to the right (1), (2),…


All graphs and charts should be labeled as figures and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Names should be placed below the figures.


Tables should be consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals. Titles should be placed above the tables.


The data source in a table must be listed below the table. The tables and figures may include text in Bulgarian and in English – font Font Times New Roman, 10 pt.


When citing in the text publications by another author or authors, the following specified rules must be observed:

Krugman at al., 1997; Born (1998) and Jones (2001); Barney (1991; 1994).


When citing in the text of publications by other authors, the following rules should be observed:

When citing a specific text from a foreign publication, indicate the pages: Pavlov (2002, p. 333) claims that  “. . . ..”. Without specifying a specific text, it is only: Pavlov (2002) confirms the thesis of the existence of a connection. . .

When the author’s name is not directly stated in the text, it is placed in parentheses along with the year of publication: This problem has already been investigated (Krugman et al., 1997).

When more than one author is named in a sentence, they are cited: Smith (2000) and Born (2002) also show that . . . .

For more than one publication on the topic by a given author, the reference is: As suggested by Barney (1991; 1997) . . . or Research in the 1990s (Barney, 1991; 1997) showed that . . .

If several publications by the same author in the same year are used, a lowercase letter a, b, c, etc. is added after the year. Example: Previous research by Porter (1990a) shows that . . . , but later research again by Porter (1990c) expands this statement with new aspects.

When citing secondary sources, the format is: Research by Brown (2000, cited in Smith, 2004, p. 120) shows that . .


The bibliography should be listed after the main text, without numbering the literary sources.

Sources (publications, etc.) are arranged alphabetically by the surnames of the authors – first in Cyrillic, then in Latin and other languages.

Under each cited source in Cyrillic – in the Bulgarian language, give the same source written according to the rules of the Transliteration Act.


Erhard, L., 1993. Blagodenstvie za vsichki, Sofia, UI „Stopanstvo“.

The sequence of publications by a single author is indicated by adding lowercase letters a, b, c, etc. after the year of publication.


13. The bibliography should be prepared as follows:

When compiling the list of cited sources, use the following models (formats):


For books and monographs:

Porter, M. (1990). The Competitive Аdvantage of Nations, The Free Press, New York.

Post, J., Lawrence, A. and Weber, J. (1999), Business and Society, 9th ed., Irwin/McGraw – Hill.


For articles and periodicals:

Farrell, J. and Shapiro, C. (2008), How Strong Are Weak Patents?, American Economic Review, 98(4), pp. 1347-1369.


When citing an author from a collective publication:

Friedman, M. (1991), The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits, in J. Bower (ed.), The Craft of General Management, Harvard Business School Publications, Boston, рр. 287-296.


For internet/electronic sources:

If the source is a website, the information is arranged as follows: source, year, title of the web document or webpage [means of access], available at: website address/ URL [date of last user login (for insurance)]


American Economic Association, 2012. JEL Classification Codes Guide, [online] Available at: <http://www.aeaweb.org/jel/guide [Accessed 15 May 2012].

Hart, K. (1998), The place of the 1898 Cambridge, Anthropological Expedition to the Torres Straits (CAETS) in the history of British social anthropology. Science as Culture. [Online] 11 (1). Available at: http://human-nature.com/science-as-culture/hart.html [Accessed 9 November 2003]

For cases and sources not cited, the Harvard citation system should be used.